Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i hate appellate briefs.

my life is all about reading and briefing this week. i feel nuts. it's crazy when you research for an hour whether to place a period inside or outside of parenthesis. really...is this what lawyers do?

4.05 miles today :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

i want that.

long day. i got in a 3.5 mile run though.
Good food day as well. Cereal for breakfast, chicken breast with strawberries for lunch and not sure about dinner yet.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

pepper hates dog parks.

Mama and I took Pepper to the dog park yesterday. She hated it. But all the dogs loved her! It was horrible.

Today we took P on a nice 2 mile walk, which she loved.

I will never take her back to the dog park.

Friday, March 26, 2010

:( slacker

so this week has not been so great. I've spent a lot of time trying to get the rest of the semester's readings done along with my appellate brief. ew.

anyway, today class was cancelled and I got to enjoy a nice run (2.7 miles) around the lakes. Hopefully I can get back on track.

P.S. Cute Baby Animal - Waiting For Eucalyptus
see more

Saturday, March 20, 2010

So Nice Out!

It's been so nice out! Yesterday I took P on a short 1 mile walk before my roommate and I had people over for dinner.

This morning was beautiful outside. I went on a nice run/walk with miss p. We did 4.35 miles :)

The rest of the day will be spent working on my appellate brief. ew.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Good Day!

I had a good food/exercise day. Cereal for breakfast, as healthy as you can get PB&J with a string cheese for lunch, and a strawberry and fresh greens salad for dinner, with a small bowl of frozen yogurt. I took Pepper on a 2 mile walk around the big lake. It was rainy and cold out, but defiantly worth it.

On a weirder note, this is the craziest backpack ever.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

pepper is not hood

I went for a nice run/walk with Pepper today. A schnauzer approached us and you would have thought someone was stabbing Pepper. She cried like a baby and hid behind me. She is sucha freak sometimes.

Classes were boring. I had a 3 hour break, which I spent in the library reading and freezing. The power went out in my Criminal Law class and the first thing I thought of was to hide under the desk. I was almost positive someone was going to come in and shoot the place up. Paranoid much?? A short 15 minutes later it came back on.

Food: so-so. I had an english muffin for breakfast, followed by two mini packs of m&ms... Lunch was a granola bar along with a string cheese and another mini m&m pack and hopefully for dinner a strawberry salad. (I'm still blaming mom for the m&m's)

Exercise: also so-so. I completed 2 miles, and wanted to do more, but my stomach wasn't having it today. I had to do a bee-line home...what is the deal with that? Upside, I saw two turtles :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day One.

Today was the first day of trying to live a healthy life. I was off to a rocky start; eating two packs of mini M&M's and two peanut butter Reese cups for breakfast. Thanks mom.

Besides that, daylight savings time was Saturday so when my alarm went off and it was still dark outside I wanted to cry. I moved like a zombie and carried Pepper outside. I kept the lights off in the house, so when Pepper approached the stairs to come back up to my room, she had a mini panic attack trying to figure out how to do the steps in the dark. That might be the highlight of my day...it was cute and kinda funny.

My first class of the day was Contracts, where I re-read the cases before class just to make sure I knew what was going. I mentally prepared myself to be called on for this hit-and-run insurance case, hoping that I could just get it over with, but no luck...My next two classes were super boring and tried repeatedly not to zone out.

Once I got home I took a nice two hour nap with Pepper and ate some popcorn... (thanks again mom). I woke up and decided to tackle my backyard. It looked like Jumanji out there. The battle wound count is low: only once did I get a load of dirt in my eyes and only a few thorns stuck in my fingers.

After that Pepper and I went on a run/walk. I got in a little over two miles and some lunges around the lake. Pepper's little legs were working overtime during our sprints, but I think she loves it. Some guy ran by and gave me the stink eye. I think he thinks I was torturing little P by making her run a little. Whaterrrr.

My roommate is making a healthy quiche for dinner with egg whites. Anything she makes is delicious, so I'm pretty excited about that. After dinner, I probably have 3 hours of reading to tackle. ew.

Overall-on the food side, not so good, but I'll do better tomorrow. Working out was good with 2.2 miles and an hour working in the yard!

Welp, I smell like a billy goat, time to shower.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Freak Parade

Spring Break 2010 is coming to a close. What can I say...Spring Break in the Springs is out of control :) I did a lot of sleeping, reading and eating. I'm heading back to school tomorrow and am dreading the horrible drive. Hopefully on Monday I can start my running and healthy eating :) I'm hoping this blog will keep me honest in tracking my training.

On a funnier note, this morning my mom, sister and me had a garage sale at my sister's house. Oh what a freak parade it was... Some of our highlights at the sale included: a creepy severed santa head, a kitty-training-toilet, a fake aquarium, and some silk flowers that we couldn't even give away.

I'm going to finally see all my nbc friends tonight and cannot wait to wear christmas ornaments as earrings and dance with my fellow beast friend Leighann. love her.